Clare Morrison standing with her arms crossed

Your attitude determines whether your life is an ordeal or an adventure.



— Clare

Meet Clare Morrison

Clare Morrison, MPH, PCC, is the founder of Clare Morrison Performance Coaching. As a sought-after workshop leader, speaker and coach, she helps veterinary physicians, practice leaders, managers and their teams learn and master  leadership skills and tools. These strategies give rise to a healthy, high-energy, cohesive and innovative company culture essential to all aspects of success.  

Clare has an excellent foundation in the neurology, physiology, biochemistry, and psychology of human behavior and resilience from her undergraduate degree in psychobiology, graduate studies, and her passionate exploration  of high-performance frameworks.

Clare holds a Professional Certified Coaching (PCC) credential  credential) from the International Coach Federation (ICF), a certification in Life Design, and uses research-validated mind/body techniques such as HeartMath and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to help her clients become energized, inspired, and resilient leaders of their lives

Clare Morrison with her 12-year-old poodle Rosie

Clare and her 12-year-old poodle Rosie are very active in Paws & Think, an Indianapolis-based nonprofit organization that improves lives through the power of the human-dog connection. They are part of the Paws to Heal program, volunteers who provide reading and educational support to children managing schoolwork during their hospital stay.  

Clare Morrison with her horse, Indi

As a lifelong animal enthusiast and competitive equestrian who has spent hours watching dedicated and caring professionals at work, I’m passionate about supporting veterinarians and their teams.

Everybody wants to be their best self and show up with integrity. I help people show up like the person they want to be, the person they know they are capable of being. That often means helping high achievers get off the hamster wheel of constantly striving for perfection. Perfectionism, especially when taken to the extreme, can result in self-criticism, anxiety, fear of failure, and other negative thoughts and emotions.

Combining proven frameworks that bring together the science of mind, body, and heart, we work together to help you approach life with increased clarity, vitality, flexibility, empathy, and freedom of choice. You gain confidence in making decisions and actions that reflect your best self. You thrive and so does everyone around you.