Clare Morrison sitting at her desk demonstrating HeartMath


If you or your organization are ready to combat stress, burnout and turnover, I have multiple ways to deliver services designed to meet your needs. I can help you step into the calm and centered leadership mindset  essential  to a thriving practice. Isn’t it time for you, your people, and your veterinary practice to experience the game-changing culture you envision?

Clare Morrison presenting a workshop on resilience and team dynamics


I facilitate workshops that cultivate personal potential, team bonding, efficiency and innovation, which are the building blocks of quality clinical care, exceptional customer service, practice revenue and longevity. Participants walk away empowered to manage stress, cope with various challenges, and engage and align with practice values.

Clare Morrison teaching tapping in a keynote event


Whether in a webinar format, or as a breakout session facilitator or panel participant, I speak to groups about effective personal and team energy management, which affects health and well-being, performance, leadership, communications and team dynamics.

Clare Morrison giving a coaching session on  HeartMath via Zoom


I work with individual clients using proven systems to help them show up and perform as the person they want to be. This collaborative process empowers self-awareness, personal and professional leadership, clarity of purpose, creativity, empathy and resilience.

Clare Morrison sitting at her computer with coffee and HeartMath device

Kind Words

“My AHA moment was that I don’t have to join others in a red hot quadrant where there most likely will not be a positive outcome or conclusion.”

Resilience Advantage™ Workshop participant

Questions about how I can best serve you and your team?